Get the latest sleep tips for your child while sipping your coffee.

We’re here to bring you the latest and greatest in sleep research, evidence-based practices, and tips when it comes to navigating your child’s sleep, all things motherhood, our favorite products and services, and live sleep coaching!

Erin and Andrea are sleep consultants with a combined 6 years of experience helping families solve their child’s sleep problems.

Motherhood is better together

We come from a place cognizant of the struggles that early motherhood can bring, but we want you to know you don’t have to do it alone! Listen and learn from the podcast - we share our expertise AND we bring on the experts.

Join our community of like-minded moms on Facebook - Motherhood Support - Fueled by Coffee and Catnaps - and find connection, coaching, and support.

  • Erin is a former early childhood teacher with a background in early childhood development and education

    Erin is the founder and lead sleep consultant at Lake County Sleep, located in Wisconsin’s (USA) beautiful Lake Country area.


Meet the Team

We are a mighty team of two who both own our own sleep consulting businesses who serve families globally.

  • Andrea is a registered nurse in the NICU and now owns and runs Sleeping Beautiezzz out of the Spruce Grove area of Alberta, Canada. We both serve families globally.


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You - and your baby - are a week away from better sleep.